Dell computer has different versions according to user’s requirements. These computers are available in affordable range with high-quality performance. It has long battery life competitively to other computers. Although Dell computer has so many amazing features it also shows errors like “Startup issue". To fix issues of Dell Computers users can take help through Dell LaptopTechnical Support Phone Number which number is open for 24 hours. On the number tech support team of Dell computers will assist users to dissolve the startup issue within a short duration of time.

Why is Dell computer popular?

The reason behind the popularity of Dell computer is its amazing features and performances.

  • Dell computer has long lasting battery
  • These computers and are available in different colors.
  • Versions of Dell computer has such features which make it easy to choose best pc according to user’s need.
  • It is available at affordable rates.

How to fix startup issue on Dell computer?

  • Check keyboard properties
  • Open it in safe mode
  • Check virus on your device
  • Check newly installed hardware

Check keyboard properties:

To startup issue of Dell computer check the keyboard properties. Make sure it is properly connected to your computer.

Open your computer in safe mode:

To open your device in safe mode press “F8" in starting. If your device open in safe mode may possible that your issue will dissolve.

Check virus on your device:

Virus interrupts to your device to get the start, if it happens then scan your device and remove the virus from it.

Check the newly installed hardware:

When users install any hardware in your Dell computer it may possible that it is not compatible therefore your device is showing an issue with startup.
If you have completed all solution process then you can try to ask for help to technical support team through Dell Printer Customer Service Phone Number. This number will always get answered by experts and trained technicians of customer support team. The technicians will provide a solution to an issue in a specific manner.